

ICML/UAI/COLT 2008 workshop: Context-Sensing and Inference for Ubiquitous Interaction


Traditionally wireless sensor networks have been used for monitoring different physical and environmental conditions. Today there are a whole new class of ubiquitous, possibly wearable sensors available, that can be used for monitoring and inferring not only physical processes but also social and other types of interaction. Also the coverage of these sensor networks is much wider. Combined these types of sensor networks create an extremely rich source of data.

Networking Research group: Publications


D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Hierarchical Architectures in Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks, to appear in P2P Networks and Applications, 2013.

D. Kuptsov, B. Nechaev, A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, A Novel Demand-Aware Fairness Metric for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks, to appear in Proc. of ACM SAC, March 2013.

I. Nikolaevskiy, T. Polishchuk, A. Lukyanenko, V. Polishchuk, A. Gurtov, isBF: Scalable In-Packet Bloom Filter Multicast, to appear in Proc. of ACM SAC, March 2013 (poster abstract).

30.1.2008: Mobile Auto Future Inter-networking Architecture (MAFIA) Workshop

HIIT and Center for Wireless Communications (CWC) are jointly planning a new project that will focus on the inter-networking (routing, addressing, service model) aspects of communications from the mobile radio point of view. As a part of the project planning and preparation, HIIT and CWC are arranging a technical, discussion-type workshop on the topic.
[Invitation and preliminary programme]

Summer internship positions for 2008 available

Fri, 11.01.2008

11 Jan 2008 - HIIT has opened the call for applications to summer internship positions for talented bachelor-level students of Helsinki University of Technology and University of Helsinki whose competence matches HIIT's research themes. The DL is 31.1.2008 for positions in Spektri and 18.2.2008 for positions in Kumpula.

BeAware EU project invited to contract negotiations

Fri, 21.12.2007

21 Dec 2007 - The project proposal BeAware (Boosting energy Awareness with adaptive real-time environments), submitted in response to the 2nd Call of the ICT theme of EU's 7th Framework Programme on 8.10.2007, has been invited to contract negotiations after clearing the technical evaluation with good marks.
