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overview material for the meeting of the scientific advisory board november 2004

1 mobile computing

Selected publications

1) J. Kangasharju, S. Tarkoma, K. Raatikainen: Comparing SOAP Performance for Various Encodings, Protocols, and Connections. IFIP-TC6 8th International Conference, Personal Wireless Communications (PWC 2003), Venice, Italy, September 23-25, 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2775.

2) S. Tarkoma: Event Dissemination Service for Pervasive Computing. Pervasive 2004 Doctoral Colloquium, 18-19.4. Linz/Vienna, Austria. Published in Advances in Pervasive Computing, Austrian Computer Society.

3) T. Lindholm: A Three-way Merge for XML Documents. Accepted for publication in DocEng 2004, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Wisconsin, October 28-30, 2004.

4) P. Nikander, J. Ylitalo, J. Wall: Integrating Security, Mobility, and Multi-Homing in a Hip Way. Proceedings of Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium (NDSS’03), February 6-7, 2003.

5) S. Tarkoma, R. Balu, J. Kangasharju, M. Komu, M. Kousa, T. Lindholm, M. Mäkelä, M. Saaresto, K. Slavov, K. Raatikainen: State of the Art in Enablers for Applications in Future Mobile Wireless Internet. Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT (HIIT Publications 2004-2).

2 complex systems computation

Selected publications

6) P. Kontkanen P. Myllymäki, W. Buntine, J. Rissanen, H. Tirri: An MDL Framework for Data Clustering. In P. Grünwald, I.J. Myung, M. Pitt (eds.), Advances in Minimum Description Length: Theory and Applications. The MIT Press, 2004.

7) W. Buntine, A. Jakulin: Applying Discrete PCA in Data Analysis, in M. Chickering, J. Halpern (eds.). Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI'04), 59-66. AUAI Press, 2004.

8) P. Kontkanen, P. Myllymäki, T. Roos, H. Tirri, K. Valtonen, H. Wettig: Probabilistic Methods for Location Estimation in Wireless Networks. In R.Ganesh, S.Kota, K.Pahlavan, R.Agustí (eds.), Emerging Location Aware Broadband Wireless Adhoc Networks, chapter 11. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.

9) H. Wettig, P. Grünwald, T. Roos, P. Myllymäki, H. Tirri: When Discriminative Learning of Bayesian Network Parameters Is Easy. In G. Gottlob, T. Walsh (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 491-496. Morgan Kaufmann, 2003 (longer version to appear in the Machine Learning Journal).

10) P. Myllymäki, T. Silander, H. Tirri, P. Uronen: B-Course: A Web-Based Tool for Bayesian and Causal Data Analysis. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 11(3): 369-387, 2002.

3 semantic computing

Selected publications

11) E. Hyvönen, S. Saarela, K. Viljanen, E. Mäkelä, A. Valo, M. Salminen, S. Kettula, M. Junnila: A Portal for Publishing Museum Collections on the Semantic Web. Proceedings of ECAI/PAIS 2004, Valencia, Spain, 2004.

12) E. Hyvönen, M. Junnila, S. Kettula, E. Mäkelä, S. Saarela, M. Salminen, A. Syreeni, A. Valo, K. Viljanen: Finnish Museums on the Semantic Web. User's Perspective on MuseumFinland. Proceedings of Museums and the Web 2004 (MW2004), Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 31 - April 3, 2004. Selected Papers.

13) E. Hyvönen, M. Salminen, S. Kettula, M. Junnila: A Content Creation Process for the Semantic Web. Proceedings of OntoLex 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004.

14) E. Hyvönen, S. Saarela, K. Viljanen: Application of Ontology Techniques to View-Based Semantic Search and Browsing. In C. Bussler, J. Davies, D. Fensel, R. Studer (eds.), The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. Proceedings of the First European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS 2004), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3053, 2004.

15) E. Makelä, E. Hyvönen, S. Saarela, K. Viljanen: OntoViews -- A Tool for Creating Semantic Web Portals. Proceedings of the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2004), Hiroshima, Japan, 2004, Springer-Verlag, forthcoming.

4 digital content communities

Selected publications

16) R. Sarvas, M. Viikari, J. Pesonen, H. Nevanlinna: MobShare: Controlled and Immediate Sharing of Mobile Images. In Proceedings of Multimedia (MM 2004), New York, NY, USA. ACM Press (Forthcoming 2004).

17) R. Sarvas, E. Herrarte, A. Wilhelm, M. Davis: Metadata Creation System for Mobile Images. In Proceedings of MobiSys 2004, Boston, USA. ACM Press 2004.

18) A. Wilhelm, Y. Takhteyev, R. Sarvas, N. Van House, M. Davis: Photo Annotation on a Camera Phone. In Proceedings of CHI 2004, Wien, Austria. ACM Press 2004

19) M. Davis, S. King, N. Good, R. Sarvas: From Context to Content: Leveraging Context to Infer Media Metadata. In Proceedings of Multimedia (MM 2004), Brave New Topics Session, New York, NY, USA. ACM Press (Forthcoming 2004).

20) T. Saari, M. Turpeinen: Towards Psychological Customization of Information for Individuals and Social Groups. In J. Karat, M-C. Karat (eds.), Personalization of User Experiences for eCommerce. Kluwer, Germany, 2004.

5 user experience research

Selected publications

21) M. Rantanen, A. Oulasvirta, J. Blom, S. Tiitta, M. Mäntylä: InfoRadar: Group and public messaging in mobile context. A full paper accepted to NordiCHI’04, November 2004, Tampere, Finland.

22) S. Tamminen, A. Oulasvirta, K. Toiskallio, A. Kankainen: Understanding mobile contexts. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8 (4), 2004.

23) A. Oulasvirta & P. Saariluoma. Long-term working memory and interrupting messages in human-computer interaction. Behavior & Information Technology, vol. 23 (1), 53-64, 2004.

24) G. Jacucci & I. Wagner: Performative Uses of Space in Mixed Media Environments, To be published in: E. Davenport, S. Turner, P. Turner P., Spatiality, Spaces and Technologies, Kluwer Academic Publishers (in press).

25) A. Oulasvirta: Finding meaningful uses for context-aware technologies: The humanistic research strategy. Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vienna, Austria, ACM Press, 247-254, 2004.

6 digital economy

Selected publications

26) P. Himanen, M. Castells: The Information Society and the Welfare State: The Finnish Model. Oxford University Press, 2002.

27) O. Pitkänen, M. Mäntylä, M. Välimäki, J. Kemppinen: Assessing Legal Challenges on the Mobile Internet. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Fall 2003, Vol. 8 (1): 101-120, 2003.

28) T. Reti, R. Sarvas: The DiMaS System for Authoring Communities: Distributing Semantic Multimedia Content on Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Networks. In Proceedings of Web Intelligence Symposium 2004, Vantaa, Finland, September 2004.

29) A. Soininen (ed.), O. Pitkänen, M. Välimäki, V. Oksanen, T. Reti: MobileIPR Final Report. HIIT Publications 2003-3, 2003.

30) M. Välimäki: Dual Licensing in Open Source Software Industry. Systemes d´Information et Management, Vol. 8 (1): 63-75, 2003.

7 data mining: theory and applications

Theory of data mining / selected publications

31) D. Gunopulos, R. Khardon, H. Mannila, S. Saluja, H. Toivonen, R.S. Sarma: Discovering all most specific sentences. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 28, 2 (June 2003), 140 – 174.

32) A. Gionis, T. Kujala, H. Mannila: Fragments of order. In Proceedings of ACM SIGKDD 2003, P. Domingos, C. Faloutsos, T. Senator, H. Kargupta, L Getoor (eds.), ACM 2003, p. 129-136.

33) F. Geerts, H. Mannila, E. Terzi: Relational link-based ranking. The 30th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'04), 2004

34) F. Afrati, A. Gionis, H. Mannila: Approximating a collection of frequent sets. Proceedings of ACM SIGKDD 2003.

35) A. Gionis, H. Mannila, J. Seppänen: Geometric and combinatorial tiles in 0-1 data. Proceedings of PKDD 2004.

Applications of data mining / selected publications

36) A. Gionis, H. Mannila: Finding recurrent sources in sequences. In W. Miller, M. Vingron, S. Istrail, P. Pevzner, M. Waterman (eds.), Proceedings of ACM ReCOMB 2003, p. 123-130.

37) L. Eronen, F. Geerts, H. Toivonen. A Markov chain approach to reconstruction of long haplotypes. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2004), 104-115, Hawaii, USA, January 2004. World Scientific.

38) P. Sevon, H. Toivonen, V. Ollikainen: Tree pattern mining for gene mapping. Accepted for publication in Information Sciences.

39) P. Sevon, H. Toivonen, P. Onkamo: Gene Mapping by Pattern Discovery. In J. Wang et al. (eds.), Data Mining in Bioinformatics, Springer 2004.

40) H. Wikman, J. K. Seppänen, V. K. Sarhadi, E. Kettunen, K. Salmenkivi, E. Kuosma, K. Vainio-Siukola, B. Nagy, A. Karjalainen, T. Sioris, J. Salo, J. Hollmén, S. Knuutila, S. Anttila. Caveolins as tumor markers in lung cancer detected by combined use of cDNA and tissue microarrays. Journal of Pathology, Vol. 203, pp. 584-593, 2004.

8 adaptive computing systems

Selected publications

41) K. Laasonen, M. Raento, H. Toivonen: Adaptive On-Device Location Recognition. In Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Pervasive Computing (PERVASIVE, Vienna, Austria, April 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3001, 287-304. Springer, Berlin, 2004.

42) J. Muskens, O. Virtanen, M. Chaudron, R. MacLaverty: Maintaining Terminal Integrity and Context-Aware Reconfiguration. In workshop Component-Oriented Approaches to Context-Aware Computing at the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP, Oslo, Norway, June 2004).

43) P. Floréen, P. Kaski, J. Kohonen, P. Orponen: Multicast Time Maximization in Energy Constrained Wireless Networks. In Proc. DIALM-POMC Joint Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing (San Diego, Calif., Sept 2003) at MobiCom 2003, ACM, 50-58, 2003.

44) E. Falck, P. Floréen, P. Kaski, J. Kohonen, P. Orponen: Balanced Data Gathering in Energy-Constrained Sensor Networks. In Proc. 1st Intl. Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (Algosensors, Turku, Finland, July 2004). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3121, 59-70. Springer, Berlin, 2004.

45) P. Nurmi: Modelling Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Dynamic Bayesian Games. In Proc. 1st IEEE Intl. Conf. on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (IEEE SECON, Santa Clara, Calif., Oct 2004), IEEE, 2004.

9 neuroinformatics

Selected publications

46) A. Himberg, A. Hyvärinen, F. Esposito: Validating the independent components of neuroimaging time-series via clustering and visualization. NeuroImage 22(3):1214-1222, 2004.

47) T. Honkela, A. Hyvärinen: Linguistic Feature Extraction using Independent Component Analysis. Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN2004), Budapest, Hungary, July 2004.

48) J. L. Lindgren, A. Hyvärinen: Learning high-level independent components of images through a spectral representation. Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2004), Cambridge, UK, August 2004.

49) S. Shimizu, A. Hyvärinen, Y. Kano: Finding a causal order using independent component analysis. Proc. Factor Analysis centennial Symposium, Osaka, Japan, October 2004.

50) A. Hyvärinen, J. Hurri: Blind separation of sources that have spatiotemporal dependencies. Signal Processing, 84(2): 247-254, 2004.

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